NWCCD Catalog 2025-2026 
    Mar 31, 2025  
NWCCD Catalog 2025-2026

Health Science AS

The Health Science AS degree is the recommended course of study for those who wish to pursue a career in healthcare. The program is designed to provide students with a broad general education, as well as an introduction to a variety of healthcare-related areas. The Health Science AS degree is a good choice for the following:

  • Students preparing for application to the Dental Hygiene or Nursing Programs.

  • Massage therapy certificate students who are seeking to complete an Associate degree.

  • General health science students seeking transfer to a four-year college. 

Program Outcomes:

  1. Apply research techniques to real-world and theoretical problems.

  2. Practice effective problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict-management strategies.

  3. Demonstrate communication skills appropriate for a health science professional.

  4. Examine fundamental concepts for health-science-related problems.

  5. Evaluate the social, mental, physical, and/or spiritual factors influencing the health and well-being of diverse populations.

This program may be offered online.

Required Course of Study: 

Freshman Year

Fall Semester - 16 credits

Sophomore Year

Total Degree Credit Hours: 60

Program Electives

Program Electives: 13-15 elective course credits are required.

ANTH 1200 Cultural Anthropology, HLTK 1200 Medical Terminology, CNSL 2100 Case Management, CNSL/SOC 2300 Counseling Skills, CNSL 2340 Theories of CounselingENGL/HUMN/SOC/WMST 1080 Intro to Women’s Studies, PEAC 1001 Physical Activity and Your Health, PEAC Physical Activity course (1 credit hour), PHIL 2300 Ethics in Practice, SOC 1100 Social Problems, SOC 2200 Sociology & Human Sexuality, SOC 2325 Marriage & Family, SOC 2350 Race and Ethnic Relations any physical or life science not required above, any foreign language or sign language course, or any course with a prefix of: HLTK, HLED, MEDA, NRST, NURS, BIOL, PSYC, COMM, DHYG, SOWK, ADDN, IMGT, PHYS, CHEM, CNSL or MOLB. 

CONCENTRATION AREAS (suggested electives for nursing and dental hygiene students)

NOTE: PEAC 1001 Physical Activity and Your Health or HLED 1270 Personal Wellness will meet the requirements.  Both courses may not be used to meet the degree requirements.

The courses listed below are some suggested courses to complete the program electives:

Dental Hygiene:

ANTH 1200 Cultural Anthropology **, HLTK 1200 Medical Terminology ++, CNSL 2100 Case Management, CNSL 2300 Counseling Skills, CNSL 2340 Theories of Counseling, COMM 2010 Intro to Public Speaking **, DHYG 1000 Survey of Dental Hygiene ++, HLED 1006 Personal & Community Health ++, HLED 1270 Personal Wellness plus PE Activity, HLED 1300 Stress Management ++, HLED 2020 Health Promotion, HLTK 1560 Intro to Health Professions ++, NRST 1510 Nursing Assistant, PEAC 1001 Physical Activity and Your Health, PHIL 2300 Ethics in Practice ++, PSYC 2080 Biological Psychology, PSYC 2210 Drugs & Behavior, PSYC 2330 Psych of Adjustment, PSYC 2300 Developmental Psychology, ENGL/HUMN/SOC/WMST 1080 Intro to Women’s Studies, SOC 1100 Social Problems, SOC 2300 Counseling Skills, SOC 2325 Marriage and Family, SOC 2350 Race and Ethnic Relations, SOWK 2000 Intro to Social Work

Courses in “BOLD” are the preferred electives for a dental hygiene pathway.

**suggested elective for Health Science Degree AND is a pre-req for the AAS degree in Dental Hygiene.

++ suggested elective as topic may be discussed when enrolled in the Dental Hygiene Program.


ADDN 1020 Addiction Behaviors, ADDN 1480 Addictions & Special Populations, ANTH 1200 Cultural Anthropology, HLTK 1200 Medical Terminology, BIOL 2200 Genetics, CNSL 2100 Case Management, CNSL 2300 Counseling Skills, CNSL 2340 Theories of Counseling, COMM 2010 Intro to Public Speaking, COMM 1030 Interpersonal Communications, DHYG 1000 Survey of Dental Hygiene, HLED 1006 Personal Health, HLED 1270 Personal Wellness, HLED 1300 Stress Management, HLED 2020 Health Promotion, HLTK 1560 Intro to Health Professions, IMGT 2400 Intro to Information Management, NRST 1510 Nursing Assistant, NURS Any course, MEDA Any course, PEAC 1001 Physical Activity and Your Health, PEAC Physical Activity course (1 credit hour), PHIL 2300 Ethics in Practice, PSYC 2080 Biological Psychology, PSYC 2210 Drugs and Behavior, PSYC 2330 Psych of Adjustment, PSYC 2300  Developmental Psychology, SPAN 1010 First Year Spanish I, SPAN 1020 First Year Spanish II, SOC 1100 Social Problems, SOC 2200 Sociology & Human Sexuality, SOC 2300 Counseling Skills, SOC 2325 Marriage & Family, SOC 2350 Race and Ethnic Relations, SOWK 2000 Intro to Social Work

Courses in “BOLD” are the preferred electives for a nursing pathway.