The food and meat science industries are exciting areas with a number of employment opportunities for college-trained individuals. Meat and Food scientists are employed by a number of companies worldwide and carry such titles as Food Processing Facilities Manager and Quality Control Technician. Meat and food scientists also develop new foods by applying various scientific principals and chemistry to develop a new flavor of bubblegum or to discover new ways to preserve the quality of meat as it is transported from different locations.
The employment rate for meat and food scientists is very high worldwide. Employment opportunities exist in small towns to large cities. And, the income potential and opportunities for advancement in the industries are excellent.
Sheridan College’s Meat and Food Science Program is designed to prepare students with the academic and real-world knowledge they need to either pursue an entry-level career as a meat or food scientist or to transfer to a baccalaureate program at a college or university.
Sheridan College Meat and Food Science program students balance their time in the classroom learning from experienced instructors and applying those skills in hands-on environments like the on-campus Meat Lab. The Sheridan College Meat Lab is a modern facility that features an assortment of specialized equipment including band saw, grinder, stuffer, bowl chopper, smokehouse, and vacuum packager. The Meat Lab operates under state inspection regulations and adheres to the highest standards of sanitation and safety.
If your passion is in the areas of science and chemistry, and you’re looking for a career in a rewarding and growing field, contact Sheridan College today to find out how we can help put you on a path to success.
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Required Course of Study for AAS Degree