NWCCD 2018-19 Catalog 
    Jul 27, 2024  
NWCCD 2018-19 Catalog [This is an Archived Catalog.]

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THEA 2010 - Theatrical Backgrounds Drama I

This course provides students with an opportunity to explore plays from the major periods of dramatic literature. Students develop a foundation in the literature of Western drama from the Greeks through the English Restoration periods. Students read selected plays from the Greek, Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, Elizabethan, French Neo-classical and English Restoration periods. Student study the assigned plays through both oral and written analysis.

Credits: 3

Instructional Method Lecture





Minimum Student Competencies
Upon completion of THEA 2010 Theatrical Backgrounds Drama I, the student will:

  1. Discuss each play assigned, its importance to the history of the theater and its place in the literature of the theater
  2. Discuss the themes and/or objectives of the playwright of each play.
  3. Discuss each play in the context of the times and/or movements that produced it with an understanding of the major events and influences of those times
  4. Develop a working knowledge of theater history from the Greek world through the English restoration
  5. Develop working knowledge of the elements of theater
  6. Develop working knowledge of genre and structure.

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