NWCCD 2022-2023 Catalog 
    Mar 02, 2025  
NWCCD 2022-2023 Catalog [This is an Archived Catalog.]

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INET 2010 - Data Driven Sites

This course provides a general introduction to the basic framework of a database-driven web site using a server-side programming language.  Students integrate HTML, CSS, JavaScript and a database storage container to build a dynamic web site that takes user input.  The course also covers the MVC framework and requires students to build an application that utilizes an MicroMVC framework. 
Minimum Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Completion of INET 1650 Web Programming I and INET 1820 Scripting Languages I with a “C” or better or instructor consent.
Co-requisites: Concurrent enrollment or completion of COSC 2050 Intro to SQL with a grade of “C” or better or Instructor consent
Grading: Letter

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