NWCCD 2008-09 Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
NWCCD 2008-09 Catalog [This is an Archived Catalog.]

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CMAP* 2800 - Advanced Web Authoring

This course is designed to enhance a Web site using a variety of authoring tools, scripts, and commands. Topics include creating advanced Web pages, adding client-side script, using dynamic HTML, accessing a database, and publishing a Web site. This course will cover terminology of new techniques and new software available for web authoring. This course will include hands-on applications of web page design and web page authoring, as well as multimedia enhancements to web sites. Students will gain sufficient knowledge and confidence to be able to develop, design and implement effective professional quality web sites This course will supply students with the basics and fundamentals to allow them to continue on to industry certification in web page design.

Prerequisites: Complete CMAP*1880-Intro to the Internet and CMAP*1885-World Wide Web Applications or equivalent.

Credits: (3.00 cr.)

Lecture/Lab Hours
(2 lect, 2 lab hrs/week)

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