NWCCD 2017-18 Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
NWCCD 2017-18 Catalog [This is an Archived Catalog.]

NWCCD General Information

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“Creating student success and making a difference in our communities through educational leadership.”


To achieve this, the College provides the following:

  • General education to furnish students with a common core of knowledge appropriate to an Associate degree holder;
  • Programs of study at the freshman and sophomore levels to prepare students to successfully transfer to the baccalaureate program of their choice;
  • Technical education and training to prepare students to enter or re-enter the job market, emphasizing employment opportunities in the College service area;
  • Continuing education to assist people in upgrading job skills for career advancement and in gaining personal enrichment;
  • Assistance to students in successfully meeting their educational goals through an appropriate variety of student support programs; and
  • Help in the economic, cultural and educational development of service area communities through its programs, the sharing of its human and physical resources and through cooperative efforts with appropriate individuals and organizations.

The College mission statement directs that our efforts, our resources and our planning and evaluation focus on ways of creating success for every student. Student success is a team effort.

While the faculty, staff and Board of Trustees are committed to taking the lead in creating student success, students also share in this responsibility. We welcome you to NWCCD and look forward to working with you to achieve your educational goals.


Our College strives to set the standard of excellence in higher education by:

  • Creating meaningful and engaging learning opportunities through innovative teaching and learning,
  • Attracting and supporting diverse and creative people and ideas,
  • Strengthening community and industry relationships by providing programs and services responsive to our constituents’ needs, and
  • Developing leaders to maintain and enhance the quality of economic, social, and cultural life in our communities.

Core Values

♦ Respect
♦ Integrity
♦ Excellence
♦ Learning

Wyoming Community Colleges

Wyoming’s seven community colleges provide affordable, quality services to all students. As comprehensive institutions, they provide two-year transfer degrees and many customized certificates and industry-specific programs. Enrichment courses for life-long learners, cultural activities and sports events are popular on our campuses.

The community colleges are supported by the Wyoming Community College Commission, a coordinating board of seven commissioners appointed by the Governor. The mission and purpose of the Commission is to provide coordination, advocacy, and accountability for the Community College System on behalf of the State of Wyoming.


Accreditation & Memberships

Northern Wyoming Community College District is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. NWCCD’s Nursing Program is approved by the Wyoming State Board of Nursing and accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Education in Nursing. The Dental Hygiene Program is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. Certification is available in some technical programs through state and national program accreditation.

The College maintains institutional memberships in the American Association of Community Colleges, Council of North Central Two‐Year Colleges, the National Junior College Athletic Association and other professional organizations.


Admission to the College

Admission Criteria

NWCCD admits students based on the following criteria:

  • Applicants who are at least 16 years old.
  • High school students who have their principal’s approval to enroll in selected college courses.
  • Applicants who, because of unusual circumstances, might be better served by the college.
  • International applicants who score at least 61 on TOEFL test.
Application for Admission

Degree-seeking applicants are encouraged to apply at least six months prior to their planned date of attendance. Earlier application is recommended for those seeking financial-aid or on-campus housing. An official high school transcript with the graduation date is needed for those who have graduated within the past three years.  Official college transcripts are required from each college previously attended.  All transcripts and other materials submitted become the property of the College and will not be returned. Admission to the College does not guarantee admission to any specific program of the College.

Re-application is required for students who do not enroll for two years.

Application is required for non-degree-seeking students. An abbreviated application is intended to gather demographic information necessary for creating a student database record, thus allowing for class registration.

Dental Hygiene, Massage Therapy, and Nursing have separate applications and deadlines. Please visit with those departments for more information.

Application Process

Application should be completed online at www.sheridan.edu. Click the Apply Now button.

The first step in the application process is creating an Admissions Login.  This login allows applicants to track their application and register for events, tours, and other activities offered to prospective students and families.  Once the application is complete and submitted, student account activation information is communicated to the applicant via the email address provided on the application. Account activation is a critical step for applicants to complete and allows access to account information, including financial aid.

Applicants are officially accepted once required transcripts are received by the College. Please contact the Admissions Office at (307) 674-6446, ext. 2002, if any problems are encountered in the application process or if notice of acceptance has not been received within a week of submitting all materials. Prompt notification is requested if an applicant decides not to attend.

Catalog Placement

The catalog in use at the time a student initially enrolls as a degree-seeking student and completes credit classes offered through NWCCD determines the degree or certificate requirements for graduation.  Students accepted into special programs are moved to the catalog in effect at the time of program admission.  Students may be moved to a current catalog if the student requests a change of program or catalog.  Students who have a two-semester break (fall and spring) may be moved to the catalog in place at the time of re-entry.  Students share in the responsibility of ensuring they are in the correct catalog.  If courses originally required in a catalog no longer exist, the college reserves the right to substitute one course for another in any program or degree.  Refresher classes may be required for some skills courses.


High school:  Official transcripts should be requested from high schools attended if high school graduation is within the past three years.  Class information is valuable in the academic advising process.  High school equivalency transcripts may be ordered from the Diploma Center. 

College:  Official transcripts are required from each college attended, even when attendance occurred prior to high school graduation. Most colleges provide instructions on their web page, and many colleges use the National Student Clearinghouse (studentclearinghouse.org) as a provider. Once application to the College is made, transcripts are evaluated by the Office of the Registrar and a transfer equivalency report is provided to the applicant/student. Acceptability of transferred credits is determined by NWCCD, as the receiving institution.

What is official? Official transcripts are sent directly between institutions or, in some situations, may be given to the student in a sealed envelope. Increasingly, transcripts are exchanged electronically between institutions.

Unofficial college transcripts may be used for advising and registration purposes, but an official transcript must be received no later than two weeks prior to the start of the term.  Students may be dropped from registered classes if an official transcript required to validate prerequisite coursework is not received by the two-week deadline.


Sheridan College requires students housed in residence halls to submit proof of immunity against measles, mumps and rubella. Copies of the student’s vaccination record should be sent directly to the housing office. It is also recommended that all residence hall students receive the Meningococcal vaccination before arriving on campus. Additional information regarding the vaccination requirements is available from the Office of Housing and Campus life.

Entrance Exams

College entrance examinations are not required for admission to the College, but placement scores are required for English and mathematics. ACT scores may be used for placement, or students may choose to take Accuplacer exams at the College’s testing center. When taking such exams, students are asked to include Sheridan College or Gillette College as an institution that should receive their scores. Some programs offered through NWCCD may require additional testing for entrance.

Transcripts from other Institutions

All transcripts received by NWCCD are the property of the College and will not be copied or returned to the student or to a third party.  Students should request copies from the institution attended. This practice protects the student’s rights as well as the credibility and integrity of the other institution and its transcripts.


Transfer Policy

Transfer credit is considered from regionally accredited institutions in the United States. The American Council on Education Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education publication is used to identify accreditation. International credit must be evaluated by the World Educational Services (WES) or National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). Credit from non-regionally accredited institutions will be reviewed individually.

Students transferring to NWCCD—Sheridan College or Gillette College – must provide official transcripts for evaluation. Coursework is evaluated by the Office of the Registrar once the student has applied to either Sheridan College or Gillette College. A transfer course equivalency report and letter is then provided with respect to how courses transfer to meet requirements at Sheridan College and Gillette College. GPA does not transfer to add into the NWCCD cumulative. No restriction is placed on the age of credits to be transferred with the exception of science courses being applied to Dental Hygiene requirements.

Transfer Equivalencies
  • Specific Course Equivalency: Many courses transfer to NWCCD as equivalent to a NWCCD course.
  • General Transfer Credit: If a course is not identical to a course offered at NWCCD, but is a college-level course, the course is a general transfer credit. You receive credit for the course completed, but it may not fulfill a NWCCD requirement. If you wish to have course credit reconsidered, submit a course syllabus with your request to the Office of the Registrar.
  • Repeat Courses: Coursework transferred to NWCCD is evaluated against NWCCD rules for repeated courses, not the transfer institution. If a course is completed more than once, only the last occurrence stands. The others will be repeated out and no course credits will be received for earlier attempts.
  • Remedial Courses: Credit is not accepted for remedial coursework. Coursework considered remedial level (course number less than 1000) will not transfer to NWCCD but will appear on the transfer evaluation and may also serve as prerequisites, as appropriate.
Not Accepted
  • Unrelated Courses: Credit is not accepted if the courses are not related to any type of course offered by NWCCD, such a Cosmetology.

  • Unacceptable grades: Coursework completed with a grade of pass/fail, “D” or “F” does not transfer. Coursework must be completed with a letter grade of “C” or better.

Other Transfer Credit
  • Military Training: Students who have served in the Armed Forces may be awarded transfer credit for courses completed in military schools.  Students who wish to apply for credit on the basis of their military schooling should submit a copy of their DD214 form or AARTS/AMART transcript (or its equivalent) to NWCCD.  Evaluation is completed by the Office of the Registrar. Evaluation for the granting of credit for military-based training is based on recommendations in the American Council of Education (ACE) guidelines. Department faculty may be asked for further evaluation of credit. Students are encouraged to work with the Veterans Advisor on either campus if questions arise.

  • AP, CLEP and IB (Advanced Placement, College Level Exam Program and International Baccalaureate): NWCCD’s faculty have reviewed the AP, CLEP and IB programs and established the minimum scores that must be earned in order to earn credit. A list of minimum scores, course equivalency and credits can be found below under Academic Information.

  • Nationally Accredited Schools: Transcripts from schools which are not regionally accredited, but are accredited by national agencies recognized by Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) may be reviewed and considered for credit. In such cases, we ask that you please supply us with a copy of the catalog and course descriptions as well as the official transcript; additional course descriptions may be requested. In some cases an interview with faculty may be required. Generally, courses which are equivalent to those offered at NWCCD may be considered.

  • Certificates and Training Programs conducted within business and training environments: NWCCD will review certifications and licenses from formal training programs conducted within business and training environments for transfer credit. In some cases, a course challenge may be more expedient. Contact the Office of the Registrar for preliminary assessment. In all cases, faculty review will be required.

  • Prior Experiential Learning: Through a Portfolio Review, you may be able to receive college credit for knowledge you have gained outside an accredited higher education institution. This can include, but is not limited to, previous experiences as an employee, business owner, information technology or computer specialist, in management, manufacturing, apprenticeships, as a skilled volunteer or hobbyist. These skills may be comparable or equivalent to credit courses offered at NWCCD. To have this training/learning reviewed, you must submit any official and/or original training records/certificates, as well as supporting documentation that includes the following: content, level, time period, hours, location, method of instruction, instructors, method of evaluation, and achievement. Since training programs do not generally yield a transcript that contains all of this material, it is your responsibility to gather as much information as possible and submit it. NWCCD’s evaluation process relies on information that proves your prior learning is comparable to college-level coursework. An assigned faculty member will complete an assessment of your final, completed portfolio to determine its ability to demonstrate this requirement. Credit is also contingent upon whether the training is able to meet current industry standards. A non-refundable fee (varies) is payable before assessment begins.


Academic Advising

Academic advising is a decision-making process involving a partnership between the advisor and the student. Its purpose is to promote informed and independent choices by the student. While students are ultimately responsible for the choices they make in their program of study and course selection, the advisor is an important link to other resources in the college community. Students receive assistance with their educational learning plan from an professional and/or faculty advisor. Academic advisors assist in various interest and personality inventories to aid students in selecting a career path that will be both interesting and rewarding. The final decision is, of course, the student’s. Academic advisors also assist students in setting up class schedules and in the registration process.  Students planning to transfer to four-year institutions should obtain a catalog from the transfer institution or access it online and work with their advisor to tailor a series of courses based on the requirements of the transfer institution.

Block Transfer

Northern Wyoming Community College District has a block transfer agreement with the University of Wyoming. Under this agreement, UW’s general education requirements are automatically satisfied when a student completes an AA, AS or ADN degree with us.  The Block Transfer Agreement, along with 2 + 2 agreements,  assures smooth transfer from NWCCD for students who continue their program of study at the University.  Students should work closely with their NWCCD academic advisor as well as UW personnel to ensure that the appropriate coursework is completed prior to transfer.

Military Service Credits

Students who have served in the Armed Forces may be allowed transfer credit for courses taken in military schools.  Students who wish to apply for credit on the basis of their military schooling should submit a copy of their DD 214 form or AARTS/SMART transcript (or its equivalent) to NWCCD.  Evaluation is completed by the Office of the Registrar. An evaluation for the granting of credit for military-based training is based on recommendations in the American Council of Education (ACE) guidelines.  Department faculty may be asked for further evaluation of credits.


Orientation is required for all new students enrolled in a degree-seeking program or enrolled for six (6) or more credit hours. Failure to complete orientation will delay registration in the subsequent semesters.  The orientation requirement is covered for those who participate in SOAR events.



Schedules of classes offered each semester are available prior to registration periods to allow students to consult with advisors and plan their schedules. Current course schedules are also available on the College website: www.sheridan.edu. Registration begins several weeks in advance of each semester and may be done in person or through WebAdvisor for continuing students.

Credit-Types Available

NWCCD offers credit toward graduation through instructed classes including online, hybrid, video conferencing, internships, independent study and credit by examination.  Concurrent and dual enrollment is available for students still in high school.

Requesting Transcripts

A transcript serves as a student’s official educational record, detailing courses completed and grades received. Transcripts will not be released if the student has not fulfilled all financial obligations to the College. Official Transcripts can only be released at the request of the student or through other provisions as a stated by the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA). Transcripts should be requested through the National Student Clearinghouse at studentclearinghouse.org.  Students needing copies of transcripts from other institutions attended should contact those institutions directly.


Support Services


The Northern Wyoming Community College District’s libraries at Sheridan College and Gillette College offer collections of online books, music, art, periodicals and streaming video as well as traditional format books, journals and audiovisual titles.

The NWCCD libraries are members of the WYLD Network, which provides an online catalog and a shared circulation system for the Wyoming colleges and public libraries. Access to online full-text materials in more than 60 databases provided through direct purchase by the libraries and via the Wyoming State Library.

The NWCCD libraries provide access to academic resources and recreational reading for students, faculty, staff, and community members with an expanded schedule during the Fall and Spring Semesters; the summer schedule has reduced hours. Full details about the schedule are available on the library website. Each library offers space for quiet study, for leisure reading and for small group study or meetings.

Online content is available to students and employees via their Internet connection; those connecting from off campus can log one through the College’s online student portal. Students can visit the library’s website at www.sheridan.edu/library for more information.

Counseling Services

NWCCD has a Licensed Professional Counselor on staff  on each campus to assist students in a variety of areas including stress management, adjustment to college, relationship and anxiety issues, and other areas in which students are experiencing difficulties managing their personal and academic lives.

Our counselor practices from a cognitive behavioral model in a BRIEF counseling format. Students who require more intensive long-term counseling and/or psychotherapy will be referred to appropriate therapists.

Career Cafe

Career Cafe, available via a link on the toolbar of MyNWCCD provides many resources for those interested in exploring various academic majors and career options, as well as assistance with resumes, interviewing and placement. 


Free one-to-one and group tutoring, study group sessions with peer and instructor tutors, as well as a drop-in Writing and Communications Center are available for students.

Assistance for Students with Disabilities

(Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973)

Arrangements for support services for students with documented disabilities may be made by contacting the College Counselor on either campus. Students requesting accommodations for disabilities through ADA must register each semester. Section 504 defines a person with a handicap as anyone who:

  1. Has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities;

  2. Has a documented record of impairment;

  3. Is diagnosed as having impairment. Accommodations may consist of, but not be limited to:

    • extended testing time

    • books on tape

    • distraction-free testing environment

    • note taker in class (students must assist in finding someone who is willing to take notes)

    • recording of lectures

    • specialized hardware and software for computer labs

    • test reader

    • access to e-textbooks

    Accommodations must be requested within a reasonable period of time before the semester begins in order for the accommodations to be in place when needed.


Tuition and Fees

Tuition is established by the Wyoming Community College Commission. Any person not meeting the criteria established for Wyoming residency is classified as an out-of-state student. Residents of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, and Washington qualify for reduced rates under WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange). Fees and fee distribution schedules are set by the College for each county in the College’s service area. Tuition and fees are reviewed annually and are subject to change; check current Course Schedules for current rates.

Students registered for 12 or more credits are classified as “full-time” and students registered for fewer than 12 credits are classified as “part-time.” Fees are calculated on a per credit hour basis dependent on the location of the course. Additional fees may be assessed for particular programs or courses. An overload fee is assessed for each credit hour in excess of 18 credits. The fee is equal to the credit hour tuition charge in accordance with the student’s classification as in-state, WUE, or out-of-state. Concurrent and Dual Enrollment students are not charged student fees.

Credit Hour Load

A credit hour denotes a unit of academic work. Normally, one credit hour is earned in a course that meets one lecture hour per week for a semester of 15-16 weeks. Each credit hour requires an average of an additional two to three hours of student effort per week outside of class. Lecture classes generally meet for one hour each week for each credit; lab classes meet for two to three hours per credit; some courses blend the lecture/lab format. Although a full-time credit hour load in Wyoming is considered 12 credit hours, students typically register for 15-16 credit hours in order to graduate on time. However, advisors and/or different programs of study may recommend heavier or lighter loads.

Refund Policy

Federal regulations require that each institution publish its refund policy and make the information available to students upon request. A portion of tuition and fees will be refunded to a student who officially withdraws within the first 18.75 percent of the class as follows:

Within 6.25% of the class


Within 12.50% of the class


Within 18.75% of the class



Length of class refers to the total number of calendar days between the first and last days of classes as published in the class schedule. Program fees are refundable on the same basis as tuition.

Students who feel that their circumstances warrant exception from the published refund policy may appeal. Appeals are initiated through the Student Appeals Committee.


Wyoming Residency for Tuition Purposes

For tuition assessment, students are classified as in-state, Wyoming Undergraduate Exchange (WUE), or out-of-state.  Classification is made upon first admission to the District, in accordance with statewide residency requirements. 

Residents of a WICHE state are eligible for WUE tuition.  Requirements for in-state tuition purposes are established for Wyoming Community Colleges by the Wyoming Community College Commission.  All others are considered out-of-state.

Residency classification is assessed for each student at the time an application for admission is accepted.  Students may apply for residency reclassification for the following term when facts indicate a change impacting residency has occurred.  Supporting documentation is required.  A student may be required to not be in attendance for at least one semester.  Applications must be submitted on or before the first day of class.  Reclassification will not be applied retroactively.  Residing in Wyoming primarily as a student will not support a claim for resident status.

Wyoming Residency Classification Criteria

A.    Students meeting the following criteria are considered Wyoming residents:

  1. A financial dependent or under the age of 24 with a parent, guardian, or spouse who has lived in Wyoming for 12 months or more.
  2. A graduate of a Wyoming high school.
  3. A recipient of a high school equivalency in Wyoming and also qualifies for a Hathaway Scholarship.
  4. An active Wyoming National Guard member or U.S. Armed Forces member stationed in Wyoming, or the dependent of one.
  5. A Wyoming resident who was temporarily absent from the State due to military service, attendance at an educational institution, or other type of documented temporary absence.
  6. Awarded resident tuition status at another Wyoming community college or the University of Wyoming.
  7. The spouse or financial dependent of an individual who is determined to be a Wyoming resident pursuant to these Guidelines.
  8. A legal dependent under the age of 24 of a Wyoming community college graduate.
  9. Having a permanent home in Wyoming with evidence of full-time employment in Wyoming for one continuous year, ownership of home or property in Wyoming, one year of continual presence in Wyoming, reliance on Wyoming resources for full financial support, Wyoming vehicle registration, Wyoming address on most recent federal income tax return, valid Wyoming driver’s license, utility bills in individual’s name, lease or rental agreement, certificate of marriage, and/or Wyoming voter registration.  No one factor determines residence status.
  10. Veteran or eligible individual, as described in 38 U.S. C. 3679 I(2), who is enrolling within three (3) years of discharge and providing:

a.  A certificate or other evidence of the veteran’s qualifying service of 90 days or more in the uniformed services of the United States;

b.  Documented evidence at the time of enrollment that:

i.    The applicant for resident tuition intends to live in Wyoming during the term of enrollment (lease agreement, power bill, etc.);

ii.   A veteran using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill – Active Duty Program) or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill) as describer in 38 U.S.C.

iii.  The veteran was discharged or released from a qualifying period of service in the active military, naval or air service before the date of enrollment (DD214 showing date of discharge within three (3) years prior to enrollment);

iv.   If the applicant is a spouse or a child of the veteran, the applicant is a transferee pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 3311(b)(9) or 3319 of the veteran’s eligibility for educational benefits.

A person who has qualified for resident tuition pursuant to the above requirements of this section, shall remain qualified in subsequent years if the person pursues one or more courses of education while remaining continuously enrolled, other than during regularly scheduled breaks, lives in the state during the term of enrollment, and, if the person is eligible through a transfer of eligibility pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 3319, the transfer has not been validly revoked.

B.    The following students are considered non-residents:

  1. Individuals who do not qualify under Section A above;
  2. Individuals who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents except as provided by Section A.2 or A.3 above; and
  3. Individuals holding a valid Non-immigrant status in the following categories: F-1 and F2, H-3 and H-4, J-1, K-1, J-2, M-1 and M-2, Q-1, and R-2 visas except as provided by Section A.2 or A.3 above.
  • Students may appeal their classification as a resident or a non-resident through the following process:
  • A student assigned a non-resident classification may submit a request for reclassification to the Registrar or designee. The student must submit the request and accompanying documentation on or before the first day of classes. A decision will be rendered within 20 days of the first day of classes.
  • Individuals may be reclassified for the following term when facts indicate that a change in residency has occurred since the time of original residence classification or since their most recent appeal. Reclassification as an in-state student will not be applied retroactively to previous terms.

The following individuals shall be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fee purposes:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill – Active Duty Program) or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill), of Title 38, United States Code, who lives in Wyoming while attending a school located in Wyoming (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. 3319) who lives in Wyoming while attending a school located in Wyoming (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the transferee’s discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone described above while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school.  The person so described must have enrolled in the school prior to the expiration of the three year period following discharge or release as described above and must be using educational benefits under either Chapter 30 or Chapter 33, of Title 38, United States Code.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. 3311(b)(9))who lives in Wyoming while attending a school located in Wyoming (regardless of his/her formal State of residence).
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. 3319) who lives in Wyoming while attending a school located in Wyoming (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and the transferor is a member of the uniformed service who is serving on active duty.
  • The policy shall be read to be amended as necessary to be compliant with the requirements of 38 U.S.C. 3679(c) as amended.


Financial Aid / Scholarships / Loans

The District provides a wide variety of financial aid to deserving students enrolled in credit courses for both full-time and part-time students. Scholarships, loans, grants, and employment opportunities are awarded based on eligibility, without regard to race, gender, creed, color or disabilities. The District operates in accordance with Title IV of the Higher Education Amendments of 1965 as cited in the Education Amendments of 1976 and 1986. Please check with the Office of Financial Aid for more information.

Financial Aid Application

Students must be accepted for admission before they can be awarded financial aid. Students must apply each year for financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students should visit http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ to complete the online application. Students may also be required to complete other forms to successfully apply for financial aid.  All of the forms are available from the financial aid office. 

Please refer to www.sheridan.edu and the web page for the Office of Financial Aid for regulations and supporting documents related to Title IV programs.

High School Tuition Grants

In-state tuition and fee grants are available for high school juniors and seniors enrolling in college classes under the Dual Credit Enrollment program.  Campbell County students are covered by the Camel Advantage Program, managed through a BOCHES fund while Sheridan and Johnson County students should work with the Director of Dual Credit Programs.  Forms must be signed and approved prior to the start of classes. Credit hour limits may apply.

In-state tuition and fee grants are also available to HS Seniors enrolling in College classes but not planning to transfer the credit back to the high school.  Credit hour limits apply in programs managed by the College.  Please contact the Director of Dual Credit Programs for more information.

Golden Age Grants

The District offers Wyoming residents sixty years of age or older tuition grants for courses offered by the District. Tuition grants are distributed on the following basis: 1) Grants cover one-half the cost of tuition. 2) Funding is for credit courses only. 3) Grant request paperwork must be completed every semester. 

Student Employment

Student employment is available to students through two programs. Students who have filed the FAFSA and who demonstrate financial need may qualify for employment under the Federal Work Study program. A separate student employment program is offered by the College. Participation in the College program does not require completion of the FAFSA. Funds in both programs are limited. Students should contact the human resources or financial aid offices for more information.

Wyoming Investment Nursing Program (WYIN)

Under the WYIN program, Wyo. Stat *9-2-123, the Wyoming Community College Commission provides financial assistance to prospective nurses and nurses seeking advanced education. In return for these loans the nurses agree to engage in the practice of their professions within the State of Wyoming for a period of years or repay the loan in cash, plus interest and any applicable fees according to the schedule determined by the Commission.

Scholarships & Private Loans

The College offers a wide variety of scholarships to both new and returning students.  Students who wish to be considered for scholarships should apply each year via the scholarship link located on the College’s Financial Aid web page. The preference deadline for submission of the scholarship applications is April 1. Late applications will be considered on a funds-available basis. Students are also encouraged to apply for scholarships from organizations that are not affiliated with the college.  NWCCD also administers the Hathaway Scholarship for Wyoming high school graduates.  An application is required and is available at the Office of Financial Aid.

The college also offers private loan (non-federal) options to assist students in achieving their academic goals. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for details. 

Veterans Administration Programs

The Veterans’ Services Office coordinates services for students who are veterans. The College has implemented policies to comply with VA requirements which apply to all students receiving assistance under Chapter 30, G.I. Bill, Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation; Chapter 32, Veterans Administration Contributory Benefits; Chapter 33, Post 9/11; Chapter 34, Veterans Educational Assistance; Chapter 35, Veterans Dependents Educational Assistance and Chapter 1606, National Guard.

Veterans’ Programs Attendance Policy

All students receiving veterans’ educational assistance who fail to attend their classes as required are subject to termination of their benefits. Attendance procedures implemented by the College to monitor veterans’ attendance as mandated by the VA.  Failure to comply may result in discontinuance of benefits and may require that the veteran repay funds previously received.


All students receiving VA benefits are required to report their withdrawal from the College, the dropping or addition of any courses, and any unscheduled interruptions of course work immediately to the Veteran Services office. Veterans are also required to confirm their enrollment status directly with the VA.  Students withdrawing from courses after registration may be required to pay back all funds received for the courses dropped.

Unacceptable Programs

The VA prohibits payment of educational assistance or subsistence allowance for any program or course for which the assigned grade or credits are not applicable towards graduation requirements including withdrawals (except in the case of mitigating circumstances), auditing a course, and an “incomplete” grade.


Each semester the College will report to the Veterans Administration:

  1.  Any veteran student who withdraws from classes.

  2.  All excessive absences and the last date of attendance.

  3.  Any veteran student who fails to maintain satisfactory progress in accordance with standards defined below.

Academic Progress and Sanctions

The grade point average (GPA) of each veteran is computed on a four-point (A, B, C, D, F) scale. Any student failing to meet the GPA standards outlined in the College’s Standard of Progress will be placed on probation. Veteran students who have been on probation for one semester and who have failed to meet the minimum standard of progress during that probationary semester may have their benefits terminated for at least one semester. Veterans who have had their benefits terminated may be required to receive counseling through the Veterans Center in Cheyenne before their assistance can be reinstated.

Mitigating Circumstances

Mitigating circumstances will be documented for veterans withdrawing or making unsatisfactory academic progress. Some examples of mitigating circumstances are serious illness of the veteran beneficiary, serious illnesses or death in the beneficiary’s immediate family, financial or immediate family obligations which require a change in the terms, hours or place of the beneficiary’s employment which precludes continued pursuit of course, discontinuance of a course by the College, and active duty military service including active duty for training.

If a veteran student receives a failing grade or withdraws from a course due to unsatisfactory work, the following may be allowed for consideration of mitigating circumstances:

  • The veteran student demonstrated good faith pursuit of the course to the time of withdrawal or completion.

  • The student is able to submit evidence that he/she applied for tutorial aid and consulted with a school Academic counselor and/ or advisor in an attempt to remedy the unsatisfactory work before withdrawal from or completion of the course.

Wyoming Vietnam Veterans Free Tuition Program

Wyoming Statutes provide for free tuition and fees for Vietnam Veterans, surviving spouse of Vietnam veterans or legal dependents under age 21 who attend the University of Wyoming or any Wyoming Community College. A Vietnam Veteran is defined as any person who:

Peace Officers, Firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians

Wyoming statue provides free tuition and fees for education for survivors of deceased peace officers and dependents of totally disabled peace officers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.

Overseas Combat Veterans

Wyoming statue provides free tuition and fees for qualifying overseas combat veterans, surviving spouse and legal dependents under the age of 21. The veteran must have been a Wyoming resident one year prior to entering military service. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for details.

  • Was in active service with the military forces of the United States and received a Vietnam service medal between August 5, 1964 and to May 7, 1975;

  • Received a discharge from the military forces of the United States other than dishonorable; and

  • Has been a Wyoming resident for not less than one (1) year.


The following individuals shall be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fee purposes:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill – Active Duty Program) or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill), of Title 38, United States Code, who lives in Wyoming while attending a school located in Wyoming (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. 3319) who lives in Wyoming while attending a school located in Wyoming (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the transferee’s discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone described above while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school.  The person so described must have enrolled in the school prior to the expiration of the three year period following discharge or release as described above and must be using educational benefits under either Chapter 30 or Chapter 33, of Title 38, United States Code.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. 3311(b)(9))who lives in Wyoming while attending a school located in Wyoming (regardless of his/her formal State of residence).
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. 3319) who lives in Wyoming while attending a school located in Wyoming (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and the transferor is a member of the uniformed service who is serving on active duty.
  • The policy shall be read to be amended as necessary to be compliant with the requirements of 38 U.S.C. 3679(c) as amended.


Academic Information

Credit By Examination

Students completing CEEB Advanced Placement Examinations may be awarded college credit. Students should check with the Testing Center for minimum scores and awarded credits. Credit will be awarded for successful performance on College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests. CLEP information is available through the Testing Center. Requests for institutional challenge exams should be initiated with the academic division and are subject to restrictions. A challenge examination may not be attempted more than once and students who wish credit by exam for a class in which they are currently enrolled must take the exam within the first month of the course. Challenge examinations that are passed with a 70% or greater score will receive a Satisfactory (S) grade for the course. This grade will not affect the student’s grade point average. Note: Some colleges do not accept credits from CLEP or institutional challenge exams.

Accepted CLEP Credits at NWCCD
Exam Minimum Score for Credit Credit Hours Awarded NWCCD Course NWCCD Title
Financial Accounting 50 3 ACCT 1010 Accounting I
Introductory Business Law 50 3 BADM 2010 Business Law I
Principles of Management 50 3 MGT 2100 Marketing & Organization
Principles of Marketing 50 3 MKT 2100 Marketing
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 3 ECON 1010 Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics 54 3 ECON 1020 Microeconomics
Composition & Literature        
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature 50 3 ENGL 2020 Introduction to Literature
History & Social Sciences        
American Government 50 2 POLS 1000 American & WY Government*
History of the United States I 50 3 HIST 1210 U.S. History I*
History of the United States II 50 3 HIST 1220 U.S. History II
Humanities 50 3    
Introductory Psychology 50 3 PSYC 1000 General Psychology
Introductory Sociology 47 3 SOC 1000 Sociological Principles
Western Civilization I 50 3 HIST 1110 Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II 50 3 HIST 1120 Western Civilization II
Pre calculus 50 4 MATH 1400 Pre-Calculus Algebra
  61 4 MATH 1450  Pre-Calculus Algebra & Trig
Calculus 50 4 MATH 2200 Calculus
Biology 50 4 BIOL 1010 General Biology I
Chemistry 50 4 CHEM 1020 General Chemistry I
World Language        
  41-49 4 FREN 1010 1st Year French I
  50-56 8 FREN 1020 1st Year French II
  57-62 12 FREN 2030 2nd Year French I
  66 16 FREN 2040 2nd Year French II
  40-47 4 GERM 1010 1st Year German I
  48-53 8 GERM 1020 1st Year German II
  54-62 12 GERM 2030 2nd Year German I
  63 16 GERM 2040 2nd Year German II
  41-49 4 SPAN 1010 1st Year Spanish I
  50-53 8 SPAN 1020 1st Year Spanish II
  54-59 12 SPAN 2030 2nd Year Spanish I
  60 16 SPAN 2040 2nd Year Spanish II
*Eligible for POLS 1100 or Wyoming Constitution Challenge Exam
Grading System

The quality of students’ coursework is recorded on their transcripts according to the following system:










Very Good
No Credit (non-graded)
Transfer credit from approved transfer institution

* A grade equivalent to or better than a C, providing credit toward graduation. This entry is restricted to grades for credit by exam & specific courses approved for S/U grading.


Audit (AU): Auditing, the privilege of non-credit enrollment in a credit class. An audit must be declared within the first 21 days of the semester. Requirements for an audit are at the discretion of the instructor. Auditing entails full rights and responsibilities for the course, although auditors are not generally required to take examinations, and no credit or grade is awarded. Audits are subject to the same fee schedule as regular enrollments. Note: Veterans cannot receive benefits to cover expenses for auditing a course.

Incomplete (I): An incomplete may be assigned when a student who is otherwise passing cannot complete a course due to extenuating circumstances. The student must obtain approval from the instructor. If the instructor approves the student’s request, the instructor will outline the steps necessary for the student to complete the course and the date the work must be completed. The maximum allowable time is one year. This form must be on file in the Records Office before or on the date final grades are due during the semester the incomplete is assigned. At the completion of all make-up requirements, the instructor must submit a grade change form to the Records Office. Incomplete grades must be changed to a letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) or S/U grade (if course has been approved with an S/U grading system). An incomplete grade that has not been changed after one year has elapsed will automatically revert to an “F” grade.

Withdrawal (W): The “W” designation is used to show that the student officially withdrew from the course on or before the designated last day to drop, as determined by the Registrar.  Courses dropped during the first 6.25 percent of the class days do not appear on a student’s record. It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from college or from individual classes. Students must pick up a drop form or withdrawal form from the Records Office, obtain all required signatures and return the completed form to the Records Office for processing, or may drop classes using WebAdvisor. Students failing to withdraw from class may receive “F” grades on their permanent record, which will be used when calculating grade point averages.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat courses to better a previous grade on the recommendation of the advisor. In such cases, both credit entries and both grades appear on the student’s record. However, the credit from any given course, or equivalent course on another campus, is applicable to degree requirements only once. Title IV aid recipients may only count a course once which they are repeating toward enrollment standing for financial aid eligibility if they previously received a letter grade of “D” or higher. The credits and the grade earned in the last attempt are used in calculating grade point average (GPA).

Grade Points

Grade points for each course are found by multiplying the number of credits assigned to the course by the point value (grade points on the grading table below) of the grade received. For example, a student earning an “A” (point value of 4) in a three-credit course would earn 12 grade points for the course.

Grading Table









Grade Point Average

The formula used to calculate grade point averages (GPA) is: GPA = Total grade points earned divided by the total credits attempted.

The grade points for each course are found by multiplying the number of credits earned for the course by the value of the grade received. In this example, a student enrolled in 16 credit hours taking three, three-credit courses and receiving an “A” and two “B”s, one four-credit course for which a “B” was earned, and withdrawing from a three-credit course. The GPA calculation for that semester would look like this:







Grade Points


Total Points









= 12









= 9









= 9









= 12









= 0










Total Points













= 3.23

If the student had not officially withdrawn from the three-credit course
but quit attending and failed the course, the original 16 credits would be used in the calculation as follows:

Total Points













= 2.63

The GPA may be calculated for a semester (as shown above) or
cumulatively (for an entire college career) for different purposes.

Student Class

Classification is based on the number of credit hours earned as reflected on the student’s transcripts. A freshman is any enrolled student who has completed fewer than 30 credit hours. A sophomore is any enrolled student who has completed 30 or more hours of course work.

Term GPA

The term grade point average (GPA) is the sum of all grade points earned in a semester divided by all credit hours attempted for a letter grade. Credit hours for which marks of S, U, I, AU, TR or W are assigned are excluded from GPA calculations.

Cumulative GPA

Cumulative GPA is used for determining activity eligibility, graduation qualification, probation and dismissal, and for comparisons or measurement of academic standing. The cumulative GPA is also used to evaluate continued eligibility for financial aid and scholarships. The cumulative grade point average includes the total grade points earned divided by total credit hours attempted. As with the semester GPA, credit hours to which marks of S, U, I, AU, TR or W are assigned are excluded from calculations. Courses transferred from other colleges are also excluded. In the case of repeated courses, the grade and credit earned in the last attempt are used to calculate the cumulative grade point average. Transfer grades are not included in the NWCCD grade point average.

Mid-Term Grades

Each semester, mid-term grades for full-time and part-time students are available through WebAdvisor. These grades are not entered on a student’s permanent record and are available to students for informational purposes. For information on mid-term grades, students should contact the Records Office at either campus.

Grading Errors

Occasionally an error is made in calculating or recording a course grade. An instructor can issue a “Change of Grade” if such an error is discovered, either by the instructor or by the student who brings this to the attention of the instructor.

Academic Standing

Students are classified as “in good standing,” “on probation,” or “suspended.” Students failing to meet the institution’s standards of progress will be placed on academic probation or supervision.

  • Academic records are reviewed at the end of each semester. Students who have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours and whose cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is below a 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. A completed course is one in which a grade has been received.

  • A student will be removed from academic probation when his/her cumulative grade point average (CGPA) meets or exceeds a 2.0 CGPA.

  • A student will continue on academic probation if he/she earns a semester GPA of 2.00 or better but fails to reach the Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0.

  • Students enrolled in a program with specific program standards may be subject to additional program probation and/or suspension, if their grades fall below the level required by program standards.

  • Students on academic probation who fail to show academic progress by earning a semester grade point average of 2.0 or higher will be academically suspended and will not be allowed to register for undergraduate credit courses during the period of suspension.

  • No student will be suspended for academic reasons before he/she has completed at least 24 credit hours at the District. A completed course is one in which a grade has been received. No student will be suspended for academic reasons without first having been placed on academic probation the previous semester of enrollment.

  • Students will be suspended for one regular academic semester (Fall or Spring) and may re-enroll with a status of academic probation.

  • The student may appeal to the Student Appeals Committee to re-enroll the semester immediately following their suspension. Appeal of suspension decisions made by the Student Appeals Committee should be directed to the Dean of Students.

Restriction of Activities for Students on Probation
  • No student on probation is eligible to hold any student office or to represent the District or the student body to the public.

  • Students in their first semester participating in college-sanctioned varsity sports must earn at least a 1.75 cumulative grade point average in at least twelve (12) credit hours to retain eligibility for athletic participation for the second semester. Subsequent cumulative grade point averages must be 2.0 or higher to retain eligibility. In addition, participation in intercollegiate athletics is governed by additional rules of national organizations.

  • An academic probation success plan will be required for each student placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation will meet with an advisor for approval before registering for classes.

Honor Roll / Graduation Honors

Students with exceptional scholastic achievements are honored by being placed on the President’s or Vice President’s list and/or receiving graduation honors.

President’s List

For full-time students to earn a place on the President’s list, they must maintain full-time enrollment by completing 12 or more college-level credit hours with letter grades of A or S and a semester GPA of 4.0.  Credits counted in S graded classes may not exceed one credit.

Vice President’s List

For full-time students to earn a place on the Vice President’s list, they must maintain full-time enrollment by completing 12 credit hours or more with letter grades of A, B, C, or S and a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher.  Credits counted in S graded classes may not exceed one credit.

Part-Time Honor Roll

For part-time students to earn a place on the Part-time Honor Roll, they must have completed 12 or more cumulative credits from previous semesters with letter grades of A, B, C, D, F, S or U with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.  Students must also maintain at least 6 credit hours with letter grades of A, B, C, or S in the current semester.  Credits counted in S graded classes may not exceed one credit.  Note:  Students dropping from full-time to part-time status do not qualify.

Graduation Honors

To qualify for graduation honors, Associate Degree recipients must complete a minimum of 32 hours, and Certificate recipients must complete a minimum of one-half their required courses at Sheridan College. Credits awarded for advanced placement, CLEP, USAFI, and other non-traditional forms of advanced placement do not apply to requirements for graduation honors.

Two types of graduation honors are given: graduating with high honors requires a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75. Graduating with honors requires a cumulative minimum GPA of 3.50.



Graduation Application

Applications for Graduation are required and must be submitted to the Records Office in order to begin the graduation process. Students will not graduate if a Graduation Application has not been submitted. Applications for students wishing to graduate at the end of the Fall semester are due prior to the end of the semester. Applications for students wishing to graduate at the end of Spring or Summer semesters should be submitted before the spring semester begins so any irregularities can be corrected.  Applications will be accepted after that date but we cannot guarantee that the student’s name will be printed in the commencement program or that a gown will be available.

All graduates are encouraged to participate in the commencement program.  Summer graduates may participate in spring commencement if they are registered for the summer session.



Equal Opportunity

Northern Wyoming Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political affiliation or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its educational programs or activities. Inquiries concerning Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act may be referred to NWCCD’s Human Rights Officers: Kevin Price, Director of Human Resources, 307-674-6446307-674-6446 or Mark Englert, Vice President for Gillette College, 307- 686-0254307- 686-0254. Inquiries also may be made to the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 1244 Speer Boulevard, Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204, (303) 884-3417(303) 884-3417or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 303 East 17th Avenue, Suite 510, Denver, CO 80203.

Sexual Harassment

Northern Wyoming Community College District will not tolerate sexual harassment or harassment on the basis of any other protected classification. Sexual harassment constitutes discrimination and is illegal under federal, state and local laws. NWCCD is committed to an educational and work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Individuals engaging in such conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.

Drug-Free Campus

Recognizing that the improper use of narcotics and other controlled substances has been a significant problem to society in general and that their sale, use and abuse can threaten the safety, morale and public image of individuals and the District, a policy regarding illegal drugs has been established as follows: “No person will be admitted or hired who is known to be a user, promoter or seller of any controlled substance, as that term is defined in state and federal statutes. Use or possession of illegal drugs (controlled substances) on College premises or during working hours, including break or meal periods, or working under the influence of illegal drugs, is strictly prohibited. Any employee or student violating this policy may be referred to drug counseling programs, drug rehabilitation programs or employee assistance programs or may be disciplined, up to and including dismissal for the first offense. Any employee or student who is found to be a seller or involved in the sale, solicitation or dealing in illegal drugs will be discharged from employment and/or classes of the College.”


Student Rights & Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of each student to acquire, read and understand college policies and procedures governing both academic topics and student life including rules of conduct. This information is published in the College Catalog and Student Handbook and made available to students.

Student Right-to-Know

Student Right-to-Know information is available on the College website at http://www.sheridan.edu/srtk or by request through the Office of Institutional Research, (307) 674-6446.  This website includes valuable information about campus security policy and campus crime; drug & alcohol abuse prevention; graduation and transfer rates; graduate placement; student cohort retention; student privacy; student complaint process; equity in athletics; financial assistance services; student handbook; College policies pertaining to students; tuition, fee and book costs; and student characteristics. 

Student Conduct

Students are expected to conform to rules of conduct adopted by the college. Rules of conduct are in effect at all times on campus, whenever a student is representing Sheridan College or Gillette College, and whenever a student is being transported in a college owned or sponsored vehicle. Specific rules of conduct and disciplinary procedures are outlined in the Policy and Procedures Handbook and the Student Handbook.

Student Complaints/Appeals/Grievances

Students are encouraged to contact their instructor, the Dean of Students or other College Administrator when an issue of concern arises.  Most times, problems can be resolved at the initial level.  If a problem continues, students should schedule time with the Dean of Students to further address the concern.  A Student Appeals process is outlined in Series 2005.1 of the College’s Policy and Procedure Handbook.  

Academic Honesty

Students at Sheridan College and Gillette College are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity. Academic honesty means performing all academic work without lying, cheating, deceit, plagiarism, misrepresentation, or unfairly gaining advantage over other students. Violations of academic honesty are in violation of Northern Wyoming Community College District standards for student conduct and shall result in disciplinary action pursuant to college policies and procedures (Policy 6005). It is the responsibility of both the student and the person in charge of an academic task to make reasonable efforts to learn of, or make known the expectations and standards of conduct required in the performance of an academic task. Failure on the part of the student to observe and maintain required standards of academic honesty may result in corrective action by the Northern Wyoming Community College District.


Regular attendance is expected of all students attending NWCCD so they may fully benefit from the educational experience.  Students receiving financial aid must regularly attend class and actively participate in their coursework in order to earn their aid.  Students failing to do so may be held liable for returning financial aid funds.  Visit the Office of Financial Aid Services for more information.

Family Educational Rights& Privacy Act (FERPA)

FERPA gives students certain rights with respect to their educational records. These rights include:

  • The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access. Students should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The College official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the College official to whom the request is submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

  • The right to request the amendment of a student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate. Students may ask the College to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate. They should write the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

  • The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records except to the extent that FERPA authorizes without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent; a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the College discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

  • Students’ records are open to other school officials, including teachers within the educational institution or local education agency who have been determined to have legitimate educational interest, and those others specified in the act. 

  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-4605

Directory Information

At its discretion, NWCCD may disclose “directory information” in accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Directory information is defined as that information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Written notice to withhold dissemination must be submitted to the Registrar. Information that may be released includes the following:

  • Name and Address

  • Telephone Listing

  • E-mail address

  • Date and Place of Birth

  • Major Fields of Current Study

  • Campus

  • Previous Schools Attended

  • Participation in Officially Recognized Activities/Sports

  • Weight and Height of Members of Athletic Teams

  • Dates of Attendance

  • Degrees and Awards

Information on procedures pertaining to privacy rights is made available to students at registration.