NWCCD 2017-18 Catalog 
    Feb 06, 2025  
NWCCD 2017-18 Catalog [This is an Archived Catalog.]

Associate of Arts/Associate of Science Degree Requirements

The Associate of Arts Degree in various fields of study at NWCCD is primarily designed to prepare students for transfer to a baccalaureate degree program. The general education (or core) requirements necessitate course work in a diversity of areas that enrich students’ understanding of the world, the importance of critical analysis, and the value of knowledge. The Associate of Arts Degree at NWCCD is offered for multiple areas of study and provides students with an opportunity to explore deeply within a particular domain in order to attain preliminary mastery within a discipline. Students completing the Associate of Arts Degree are accepted with junior-level standing as transfers at partnering baccalaureate degree-granting institutions.



The Associate of Science Degree in various fields of study at NWCCD is primarily designed to prepare students for transfer to a baccalaureate degree program. The general education (or core) requirements necessitate course work in a diversity of areas that enrich students understanding of the natural world, the importance of critical analysis and computation, as well as the value of generating new knowledge. The Associate of Science Degree at NWCCD is offered for multiple areas of study. The degree provides students with an opportunity to investigate deeply within a particular domain and to attain preliminary facility with the exploration-based practices within their chosen discipline. Students completing the Associate of Science Degree are accepted with junior-level standing as transfers at partnering baccalaureate degree-granting institutions.


Credit Requirements for Associate of Arts/Associate of Science

General Institutional Requirements:

  1. Complete a minimum of 60 credit hours at 1000 level and above.
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of Sheridan College credit.
  3. Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (“C”) or better in classes 1000 level or above.


General Education Requirements AA AS
     Basic Writing 3 3
     Advanced Writing   3 3
     Communication 3 3
     Basic Math 3 3
     Math Reasoning   3
Cultural Studies 9 credits 6 credits
     Global Diversity selected from selected from
     Humanities “Cultural Studies” “Cultural Studies”
     Social & Behavioral Science (must be selected (must be selected
     Visual & Performing Arts from 3 from 2
     Foreign Language different areas) different areas)
Science     4 4
US & Wyo. Constitutions 3 3
Health & Wellness 2 2
Total General Education Requirements 30 30
Program Requirements    30 30
Total Credit Hour Requirements 60 60

The following courses will satisfy the various categories of general education requirements listed above.

Note: Certain programs may recommend a designated course to fulfill a general requirement in order to provide the best background for success in a program.

The same course may not be used to satisfy two General Education requirements.


All writing requirements must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.


All math requirements must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.
Students with appropriate placement or ACT scores may be placed directly into a Math Reasoning course and allowed to waive the Basic Math requirement.  Students are still required to complete the minimum number of credits required for degree completion.



Cultural Studies

Health & Wellness